Throughout 1992 and 1993, provincial seed potato growers worked to develop a forum from which they could collectively speak to local, provincial, national and international issues of vital interest to their industry. The result was formation of the SSPGA and the adoption of the following mandate:
- To promote the use of high quality production techniques by industry members
- To inform grower/members and industry stakeholders of issues of importance to the industry and to provide, where possible, educational programs for new growers.
- To promote the use of high quality, locally produced, early generation seed by Saskatchewan’s commercial potato industry.
- To foster the development of export markets for Saskatchewan grown seed potatoes.
- To keep grower/members and other stakeholders informed on seed potato regulation issues.
- To represent Saskatchewan seed growers’ interests in the areas of federal and provincial policy and program development and in regulatory issues.
- To co-operate fully with federal and provincial efforts towards eradication of Bacterial Ring Rot and the control of other pests and pathogens of potatoes.
- To promote and support industry research and development.