Saskatchewan Seed Potato Growers’ Association Inc. (SSPGA) is dedicated to ensuring sustainable profitability for producers.
- To act as a liaison between growers and other potato industry stakeholders on policy related issues.
- To serve producers by “monitoring” all facets of the industry to ensure their best interests.
- To help provide the latest agronomic and marketing information related to the potato industry.
- The SSPGA is recognized nationally as an organization committed to leadership in a very active potato industry. We are also a leader in creating opportunities throughout the world for Saskatchewan seed potato growers.
What are we about?
- The SSPGA was created in 1996 by a small group of forward thinking producers.
- A major contributor to the success of the seed potato industry in Western Canada.
- Funded through memberships, acreage fees, industry support of specific events and government funding.
- Educational sessions as well as a conference are held annually.
- Representation on National boards, Western Canadian committees and international committees.
- Activities carried out by a voluntary board of six SSPGA Directors who are active seed potato growers. There is also representation from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture.
Become a Member
There is always room to improve your farm business. Uniting with the SSPGA and actively participating to ensure this industry remains profitable allows the SSPGA to present a strong, effective voice to governments and industry to direct the future of agriculture in Saskatchewan. Your membership provides funds for the SSPGA to effectively communicate seed potato growers’ concerns.
Members receive regular updates on:
- National and international market trends.
- Agronomics, disease, insects, fertility, blight hotlines.
- New varieties and chemicals.
- Updates on legislation regarding the potato industry.
Representation of industry concerns relating to:
- Transportation
- Potato Marketing
- Pricing
- Agronomy
Representation to the Canadian Horticulture Council and other national and provincial groups that determine the future in:
- Research
- Industry
- Marketing
Membership Types
- Full Member — Any grower or farm manager who is currently involved in seed potato production and has at least one year of potato production experience in Saskatchewan shall be eligible to represent a seed potato farm as an Active Member upon payment of the required membership fee.
- Full members are eligible to vote and become directors of SSPGA.
- Membership fees will be calculated as the total of:
- A flat membership fee;
- A per-acre levy based on certified seed acres as reported on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) crop certificate issued after the second CFIA inspection; and
- A per-square foot levy based on greenhouse square footage.
- Associate Member — Any person interested in the seed industry who is not eligible to be an Active Member may be admitted as an Associate Member upon payment of the required membership fee.
- Associate members are not eligible to vote at members’ meetings, nor are they eligible to sit as a member of the board of directors.
- Associate members will pay a flat membership fee.
- Ex-Officio Member — Persons with the government, the University of Saskatchewan, a related industry organization, or a grower support agency and who has direct involvement with the Saskatchewan seed potato industry shall be eligible for ex-officio membership without payment of a membership fee. Currently, a representative from each of the Ministry of Saskatchewan Agriculture, Agriculture Canada (CSIDC in Outlook, SK) and the College of Agriculture and Bioresources are ex-officio members.
All members are listed in our annual directory, published by November 15 each year. Members receive discounted advertising in our directory and on our website. Our deadline for advertisements and listing in our printed directory is October 15.
Memberships are valid for one year, beginning August 1. To apply, download this Membership & Directory Listing.